Professional success for any business analyst fully depends on his or her soft skills. This fact is hard to dispute about, because the whole activity is built on communications and negotiations in particular.
A business-analyst is a facilitator between the two worlds – technologies and business. He helps the business to outline problems and suggests solutions, ensuring their efficient integration. In addition, a business analyst at the product company suggests the information system for business solutions.
Here are the TOP 5 Soft Skills for successful business analysis professional by Olesia Ulianova and IT GROW Center
A Business-analysis specialist must be self-organized. Hundreds of time estimates, deadlines and meetings fill the planner so that it is important to be able to prioritize tasks, plan your time evaluate results. You also have to be able to manage risks, so that all of the estimated agreements be fulfilled.
Public speaking skills
As a business analysis, you will have to speak a lot. Public speaking while presenting your ideas to a group of unknown people must become a usual thing. It is always stressful, but you have to get used to it. You will have to master your argumentation skills, facial expressions, gestures so that your speech will have a positive impact on people.
Active listening
It mostly comes together with speaking, because the common truth is that the best speakers are good listeners as well. It is about your ability to catch the implicit meaning of a person’s words, and understanding not only what is said, but also what was meant. The client cannot usually clearly express his or her wishes. A business analyst namely translates a common human language into a technical one, usually spoken by IT professionals. That is why active listening techniques will be a valuable skill.
Business correspondence
You will have to write a lot, letters, reports, other types of texts. No matter that it will happen in the language, that it is not your native one. Master your writing skills in English, learn standard phrases, as well as train your ability to structuralize sentences and letters.
Thus, try to be clear, precise, accurate, and polite.
Finally, Management skills
As a business analyst, you will have to manage people. It will not be the same thing, as a team leader of business director does, for example. Anyway, organizing meetings, managing different information channels, organizing the client’s demands and ensuring that they are going to be fulfilled, these are key management skills for a business analyst.
All of these skills can be acquired or upgraded at the IT GROW training center. Stay with us, and you will become a highly demanded professional.